

You have stepped into Caelestis.nu belonging to Cerine!   This domain is my collection of websites centered around the animanga and gaming genre, but that implies a level of sophistication this place is admittedly lacking.

Whether you are here to explore, to admire, or to lurk, do whatever you want at your hearts desire. Now, without further ado, explore the rest of the domain by navigating the menu above!


Below are three recent entries pertaining to the domain and within the umbrella. Should you want to look into older entries, you may venture through my update log.

07 February '25 - Pokemon Clique Updates!
28 December '24 - Happy Holidays!
26 October '24 - New FL!


Caelestis.nu was the spawn of my sudden inexplicable urge to start a collective domain which occured on November 2020 via NuNames.nu, and is currently hosted under Aelyn.   It was founded sometime around 2016 formerly known as Celestialis.com. Unfortunately, Celestialis was cut short because the name along with the extension simply didn't quite fit the concept of the network. My desire for a name change was something that I knew was bound to happen, and when it did, it was rather sudden. Thus, the new name [Caelestis] was shorter and concise and still relevant to the previous name. The birth of Caelestis have embarked on a new chapter of web design which in turn, Aelyn and I came to an amicable decision to unify our domains into one network whilst being able to run our own domains. So here we are, under the central hub of the Celestial Oracle Studio!

The domain name derived from the late Latin name caelum which means "sky; heaven." I was dismayed how the TLD extensions .net and .org were taken over by the market and to shell out that much on parked domains was out of the window. So I chose the next best alternative and settled with a .nu extension. Looking back, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise!   Caelestis.nu sounds much more pleasant.

A wise man once said that every site must have a purpose behind it. This site serves no real purpose besides being a collection ground to various creations. Simply put, this network generally serves as a place for me to enjoy as a hobby. My sole intention when I created this collective can be summarized in two short bullet-points:

  To share my personal interests with everyone.
  To have a self-gratifying little home on the web.



This layout marks something of a trend in my most recent designs: a heavy emphasis on coding and content. With this newly revamped and enlarged space there comes along new additions that help make the site more efficient. I settled for Lightview which has rounded corners that I like and the centered attribute with it making pop-up windows more appealing. Also, I've been experimenting with pastel colours as it bring freshness to this cute design and carry positive emotional connotations—light and cheerful colours combined with a balance of clean-lined silhouettes and organic, curved lines are just so pleasing to the eye.

One of the big changes is that the domain has converted to using pure table-less design. Content-wise, the initial idea was to have my sections separated in different pages like most collective sites do, but I ended up sticking to my old concept of having a 1-page domain as everything seems simpler that way. Version two features Tanaka Mamimi from the series THE iDOLM@STER: Shiny Colors. Programs used to create this design was Photoshop and handcoded via Notepad. Custom irregular shapes generated from Fancy Border Radius. Fonts used were Daily (via StudioCherii), Delius, Noto Serif (via Google Fonts), and Pea Steph (via Fonts for Peas). Official artwork was taken from Zerochan and chibi illustration around the site are from Animate Café. Textures used were from PNGWing and PNG cutouts downloaded from akumaLoveSongs. The layout has been tested for the latest version of Firefox and Chrome with a resolution of 1280x960 (4:3) or higher. View more other resources used for my other sites at Memento.



visual diary enthusiast
cute/aesthetics ◦ animanga/gaming ◦ pastels
My hobby started out in 2009 and that was the breakthrough of my web design experience for many hobbyists alike. However, the little knowledge I have of HTML/CSS at that time was not enough to code an entire website from scratch.

Alas, with my stubbornness, I refused to ask for help. Instead, I went through various tutorials online and found many inspirations along the way! After laboring over it for about a month, I finally managed to put up the site and I was contented with the result. On the contrary, I had then decided to never put myself through the misery of web designing again.
It is human nature, however, to break one's promise to oneself—I started a project in school that would later became the most sucessful project I've ever run. Before I knew it, I picked up some PHP knowledge, and was ready to take over the world! A few years later, in an almost-sad pattern, I had somewhat lost interest, went on an indefinite hiatus, and then returned to the web roughly at the end of 2015.

In a way, my semi-hiatus reinforced a simple idea that I only considered web design as a hobby—no more, no less. I have no plan to consider it a profession, at the same time, I cannot quite get away from it... In short, I am a confused human-being, and 'tis reflected in the content of this site.


Here you'll find links to the sites within this network directly below and everything you need to know will have with some descriptions of them that follow! I currently don't have an upcoming list or projects being worked on because I work mostly off of my own whims and never really know what will or won't be coming to the domain next.


A small collection of shrines and fanlistings, based on anime/manga and video game subjects dedicated to the series Pokémon.


Fanlistings approved by TFL and TAFL, you'll find a huge collective ranging from anime/manga and gaming, and also various subjects.

  I Choose You!

A claim clique of your choice, based from Pokémon series, to protect you and stop Team Rocket from their devious plans!


A collective that I created with Aelyn to house all of our web endeavors; all related to anything Final Fantasy.


Clair is probably one of the most inconspicuous characters of the game and she's what most drew my attention from the Pokémon series.


A pixel claim clique based on the game Kingdom Hearts where you get to choose your favorite keyblade and become a keyblade master!



A layout archive of all our designs throughout our entire network since 2017. Viewing purposes only!


Need to find resources used to create our layouts or tutorials? This place is where we centralize our resources!
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There is no doubt that all of my affiliates are equally amazing!   They each bring their own unique talents to the web designing community. Despite having different interests and focuses, what they all have in common is their desire to share their love for their fandoms through these beautifully created domains. Each affiliate are based off from the characters of THE iDOLM@STER: Shiny Colors.

Links In

If you decide to use any of these buttons below, please upload them onto your own server. A link back either by text or with a button is very much appreciated.


Links Out

Other collectives I happen to genuinely admire. Please take the time to pay each of these lovely individuals a visit! Link exchanges are welcome if you own a collective domain only.

Thank you for visiting Caelestis! If you need to reach out to me, please use the contact form. I must add that it fills me with great pleasure when visitors leave their feedbacks on the guestbook to express their appreciation about this site; it makes my day. Hope you enjoyed your visit and please come back again!  
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